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Réserve naturelle du banc d'Arguin

Parc National du Banc d'Arguin. This World Heritage-listed park is an important stopover and breeding ground for multitudes of birds migrating between Europe and southern Africa, and as a result is one of the best birdwatching sites on the entire continent. It extends 200km north from Cape Timiris (155km north of Nouakchott) and 235km south.

Le Banc d’Arguin

In addition to being beautiful and wild, the Banc d'Arguin is also a protected resting area for many migratory birds. If you visit during spring and summer, you may spot the Sandwich Tern, small gulls with black heads, or the Eurasian Oystercatcher. The Banc d'Arguin is monitored by the SEPANSO guards. Camping and dogs are not allowed.

13 PARC NATIONAL DU BANC D' ARGUINIWIK Viaggi, vacanze e turismo Turisti per Caso

Parc national du banc d'Arguin Situé le long de la côte atlantique, ce parc est formé de dunes de sable, de zones côtières marécageuses, de petites îles et d'eaux littorales peu profondes. L'austérité du désert et la richesse biologique de la zone marine créent un paysage terrestre et marin exceptionnellement contrasté.

Se poser au banc d'Arguin LègeCap Ferret

Le parc national du Banc-d'Arguin est donc un des plus grands parcs d' Afrique de l'Ouest . Créé en 1976, devenu site Ramsar en 1982 1 et site du patrimoine mondial de l' Unesco en 1989 2, le parc national du Banc-d'Arguin est régi par la loi 2000/24 qui a été offerte symboliquement par le gouvernement mauritanien comme don à la terre.

Le banc d’Arguin, en Mauritanie Cap Voyage

1 Arguin Island. 24 hours daily. Arid island and popular attraction because of the remains of 18th and 19th century fortifications dating back to French colonisation. The island is surrounded by beautiful reefs that are ideal for snorkelling and diving. Free. ( updated Feb 2021 | edit)

Banc d'Arguin, Mauritanie Une réserve incroyable

Bienvenue au Parc National du Banc d'Arguin Créé en 1976, le Parc National du Banc d'Arguin (PNBA) est un établissement public administratif, géré par une loi spécifique (2000-024) délimitant son territoire à 12 000 km² dont 180 km de littoral, soit 1/3 du territoire mauritanien. littoral sans tenir compte du littoral adjacent aux 15 îles et îlots.

Banc D’Arguin National Park Sidi Tours Mauritania

Located in the North-Westof the country and covering an area of about 4600 square miles of both land and sea territories, the Banc d'Arguin National Park (BANP) was created in 1976 and is one the biggest parks in West Africa. Since 1989, it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The BANP is one of the largest migratory areas for migratory.

Nationaal park Banc d’Arguin Unesco Commissie

Banc d'Arguin National Park Mauritania is a stunningly beautiful coastal park located in the northwest corner of the African continent. Spanning 3,500 square kilometers of coastline and sand dunes, the park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including over 250 species of birds, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Banc D’Arguin National Park Sidi Tours Mauritania

1.50UK - 01-May-05 -. The global significance of Banc d'Arguin is incontrovertible - "Of the estimated seven million wading birds which use the Atlantic flyway, approximately 30% spends the winter at Banc d'Arguin, which hosts the largest concentration of wintering waders and one of the most diversified communities of nesting piscivorous.

Parc National du Banc d'Arguin, Mauritanie (en français) YouTube

Overview. Downloads. Lying on the western fringe of the Sahara, the Banc d'Arguin National Park (PNBA) accounts for more than one third of the country's entire coastline and is one of the richest fishing grounds in the world, owing to the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich waters. The wetlands are composed of extensive, shallow marine areas.

Réserve du banc d’Arguin tensions après la destruction suspecte d’un bateau Le Parisien

Parc National du Banc d'Arguin. Mauritania, Africa. This World Heritage-listed park is an important stopover and breeding ground for birds migrating between Europe and southern Africa, and as a result is one of the best birdwatching sites on the entire continent. It extends 200km north from Cape Timiris and 235km south of Nouâdhibou.

Parc National du Banc d'Arguin (PNBA) Afrisson

The Parc National du Banc d'Arguin, Programma Rijke Waddenzee, Fondation MAVA, Bird Life International, Royal NIOZ, Alterra, the Waddden Sea Flyway Initiative, a Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds voor Natuurbehoud prize to TP, and the Waddenfonds project 'Metawad', all contributed pieces of the support (including funding, permissions, and logistics) that this research has built on over the years.

Parc national du Banc d'Arguin

Mauritania. Banc d'Arguin National Park is one of the largest bird sanctuary areas in Africa and one of the few major wildlife reserves on the northwest coast of the continent. A primary resting ground and fisherie for millions of birds coming from Europe and Asia, this is one of the most important destinations for migratory birds in the world.

Banc d'Arguin National Park

We are captivated by the dawn as we set out from Nouadhibou to explore the Banc d'Arguin National Park. In search of gasoline, we brave the checkpoints and the sandy roads of the desert. Guided by Sidi Ely, each obstacle becomes an adventure, a story to be told under the stars of the camp. The Banc d'Arguin, between Nouakchott and Nouadhibou.


The Banc d'Arguin National Park site in Mauritania was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1989. Fringing the Atlantic coast, the park comprises sand dunes, coastal swamps, small islands, and shallow coastal waters. A wide variety of migrating birds spend the winter, while several species of sea turtle and dolphin, used by fishermen to locate shoals of fish, can also be found here.

Le Parc National du Banc d’Arguin Désert Mauritanie

Description. Banc d'Arguin National Park is located in the Bay of Arguin in the west coast of Mauritania. The park was created by a government decree in 1976 but was established as a national park in 1978. The main aim of creating the park was to serve as a natural reserve to protect marine resources, and a breeding ground for different bird.